Monday, November 05, 2007

Post 50 Posts!! yayyy

1 month passed when i last thought of blogging..but rejected da idea wid da fear that i may sound too tired in my blog..basically wasnt doing anything worth noting.i hated my phone ringing anytime of da ringtone sounded decent!! no calls worth taking..
in da meanwhile i dint realise that i have already crawled 50 posts wid "Crawl with life" much so to my ocassional blogging.
Much has changed's a vacation.i can indulge in my leisure activities...da cell seldom rings, msd calls are feels odd,but feels good.
it feels good
feels great
someday i had to get back to blogging..
this is a nice start!!
look at that pic...i love it..!!


Dhandal said...

n now i envy ur digicam....

Sharvari said...

nice to c u r back to blogging...
u know one thing i have noticed abt vaccations... when ur exams are on u wait for vaccations... and when ur vaccations are on, u dunno wat to do wid them... funny ppl we are, aint we?

Siddharth Joshi said...

its sooooooo coldddddddd here!!!!