Saturday, January 26, 2008


No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. She will not want new fashions nor regret the loss of expensive diversions or variety of company if she can be amused with an author in her closet. Mary Wortley

So you finally forced me to blog!( Yashshri has tagged me)
A book that made you laugh:Burnt Toast-Terri Hatcher and Inscrutable Americans.
Also my all time favourite: Power of Now-Eckhart Tolle
A book that made you cry: A Thousand Splendid Suns-Khaled Hosseini
A book that scared you: Veronica decides to die,Paulo Coelho
a line :"And all of us, one way or another, are mad"
A book that disgusted you : A Bend in the Road:Nicholas Sparks
(the dumbest of hindi movie has a better plot)
A book you loved in elementary school: The Indian Monsoon(looking for a hardcopy)
A book you loved in middle school or junior high school:Love Story(std. 10th :P).
A book you loved in high school: Illusions-Richard Bach
A book you loved in college:Eleven Minutes,Paulo Coelho.
Best line: "when i had nothing more to lose i was given everything, when i ceased to be who i am i found myself, when i experienced humilation and yet kept on walking, i understood that i was free to choose my destiny"

A book that challenged your identity : has to be ‘Power of Now’ again.
A series that you love: not applicable(never read in series)
Your favorite horror book: N.A.
Your favorite science fiction book: N.A.(gosh I should be reading more)
Your favorite fantasy:Jonathan Livingston Seagull-Richard Bach
Your favorite mystery:A Painted House,John Grisham (not read much of fiction)
Your favorite biography :Lee Iococca;and It happened in India(autobiography).
Your favorite "coming of age" book: what’s that?
Your favorite classic: Pride and Prejudice;Jane Austen
Your favorite romance book: A Walk to Remember-Nicholas Sparks


Metallica bhakt! said...

:) lazy girl!! Damn you have read more books than me and u were cribbin u havent!

Anonymous said...

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You'll see a community of warriors of light sharing ideas, dreams and most importantly following their personal legend.


A responsible Warrior is one who has proved able to observe and to learn.

(Manual of the Warrior of Light)

Have a nice day!


manisha said...

2 natch urs n mine..ihve nly read khaled hosseini :)

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