Sunday, January 18, 2009

when i made God laugh

Looks like an interesting year ahead.Only time will tell, but at the end of two weeks and four days of 2009, i only get a feeling that a lot of excitement is in store for me.
Or maybe my attitude has become more of FOCG meaning focus on good things.

Some plans never work out.Some days turn out to be so exciting and adventurous,that both your hands fall short of fingers to count memories on.Last few days saw both cases, how plans fail and how excitement and company fail your plans,only to make it a more perfect day :)

Some timely quotes that came along and are stuck in my mind which best summarize my state of mind-

"If u want to make god laugh start making plans."
"Money is nothing if it cant buy you memories."
Indeed money is important, it buys you memories ,although it pinches you later to have spent beyond your limit.But who cares when memories are all worth it.

"Keep in touch" a much abused phrase these days.
But you just know they mean it when they say it.
And that makes all the difference!

This one i just framed :P
"Some waters are worth exploring.
for if you win you feel on the top of the world,
if you lose you still have a reason to celebrate."


Dhandal said...

A hole in the pocket is worth it when money can buy memories to cherish for the lifetime...

and wasnt i too told to have more FOCG?

We were high on adrenaline & of course the 'risky rider' too ;)

Abha said...

you were said to FOCBS!

Sharvari said...

FOCG.... hmmm nice phrase!
here is one more
If you have integirty, nothing else matters and
If u don't have integrity nothing else matters!
i dunno how d quote is related to the post... but i like d quote!

Metallica bhakt! said...

wasnt it me who told you the place where u could get risky rider in the 1st place!! ;) well said and btw! I miss the FOCG ie CC sprees!! very soon plz! and indeed Keep in touch is very much spoken these days!you instantly know when one means it or not!! I miss you Abhudi,keep in touch.. (see I dont mean it at all.. ) LOL

Anonymous said...

where is my comment???
i remember commenting on this post!!!!
ye cheating hai!!!
I QUIT!!!!

Abha said...

sorry anand but i dint receive any comment from you!

sid! said...

Loved the last peice
"Some waters are worth exploring.
for if you win you feel on the top of the world,
if you lose you still have a reason to celebrate."

Keep Blogging

Anonymous said...

Rather nice site you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.