Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hey if you are here reading this right now i would like you all to contribute whatever comes to your mind when you read this :

"Imagination is never random.Its more specific than what we actually see/repeat in reality."

Please take the efforts to post your comments, it wont take a lot of your time!! :D


Dhandal said...

imagination is always an interpretation of something. Anything that u have seen, heard, spoken abt, dreamt, something that has been visualised somehow at any point in your life.
U just try to improvise.

Anonymous said...

what crap!

pooja said...

Hmm...Yes....It is not random...but not never...Most of the cases it is based on ur experiences, feelings that u r currently going through, convey a msg indirectly....
But sometimes it can be random...U can imagine great things happening to u...At times u fear such dreadful things which never happen or may have never happened before....Just u imagine those fears!

Metallica bhakt! said...

May I.... PLEASE MAY I!!
Wont will save it till everyone knows about it!! Lumpy baby O' ours!! :P :p

Anonymous said...

who imagines specific things?....u can imagine any random thing anytime....
like ur own blog...what has crapping got to do with RAJ??....y do u think of marathi names on orkut in 'there'?? :P
isnt that just a random thought...

Abha said...

HAHAHAHA... "in there"...waise i know that u recite a specific poem 'in there'.
there is a lot of room in there to think imaginatively,right? :P

Unknown said...

Imagination is actualisation of hidden impression we have in our mind about something..