Saturday, November 28, 2009

It always works :)

'We are still friends,so what if we are out of touch.'

A very positive conversation with a good friend brings this smile on my face :)
Have u ever noticed how some people manage to make you feel so positive just by the use of right words.Or should i say by the Avoidance of certain kind of language that makes you feel negative.It comes with only efforts.I would like to have such a way of talking.

I like to be around positive people.Positivism moves in concentric circles,it wont hit you directly,you feel it coming till it completely surrounds you.So try dropping the use of "Donts" and "buts".Use more of positive words in your conversations.It will slowly and surely make a difference in your attitude.

Keep it up friend!! ;)


Ohmcar said...

Very well said.

Ohmcar said...

Very well said.

sid! said...
